Mischa Daams (NL): Respire

Undulating wind cycles animate the size and motion of a tunnel, like a lung that fills itself with air. Slowly expanding and contracting, it opens up and closes its audience in. Captured participants are moved around and captivated by a kaleidoscopic display of wind patterns, vividly modulating reflections of light coming in from both ends of the tunnel. A fascination for the way in which space affects us started this project. By shaping a perceptual environment constantly changing form and size over time, Respire intends to affect, activate and negotiate with its beholder. Respire, or breathing, symbolizes the interwoven relationship between physical phenomena, digital algorithms and the subjective process that transforms those stimuli into a personal experience. The tunnel serves as a metaphor for the way in which we perceive, interpret and project back onto our surroundings as we experience them.

Immersive installation

2 &  3 December


De Nieuwe Regentes
Het Diepe

Sense Immersion



Mischa Daams

Mischa Daams (NL) is an interdisciplinary artist from The Hague. After a BA in Multimedia Design, in 2013 he finished his MA in the ArtScience Interfaculty, at the KABK and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. Daams approaches his works as ‘open systems’ that explore and unfold relationships of control and co-dependence between technology, perception, consciousness, the human (body) and space. Often-times this takes form in hypnotizing experiential environments, performances and films in which simple choreographies convey complex behavioral patterns in diverse media such as kinetic motion, moving images, light and sound. For his newest project Origin, Daams is researching motion control to develop a kinetic video installation that performs an abstract endless film. Daams was recently artist-in-residence at Art Center Nabi in Seoul, South Korea. There he started exploring robotics to precisely study, manipulate and control this emergent material.