Symposium announced


We are very proud to announce the first Modern Body Festival symposium! Featuring an international panel of leading theorists, makers, and philosophers in architecture, theater, performance, music, and art, the symposium spans the first 3 evenings of our festival, 29 Nov – 1 Dec, from 20:00-23:00, exploring this year’s theme, the ‘social’ body.

Each session will particularly focus on one of our three states of being: 29 Nov: I, 30 Nov: WE, 1 Dec: THEY. The evenings will include 3 lectures, followed by an extended round table with the addition of the artist-architect team that led the day’s workshop. The speakers will talk about their work and open discussions relating to this year’s theme, its context, and the works featured at the festival.

Presenters include: Artists Tivon Rice (US), Joel Ryan (NL/US), Cocky Eek (NL), Ludmila Rodrigues (NL/BR), Shih Wei Chieh (TW), Luis Rodil-Fernández (NL/ES), Ivan Henriques (NL/BR), Stelios Manousakis (NL/GR), Stephanie Pan (NL/US), Raviv Ganchrow (NL/US); architects Satoru Sugihara (US/JP), Dr. Nimish Biloria (NL/IN), Jeroen van Ameijde (UK/NL), WeiHaw Wang (TW/JP/UK), Ping-Hsiang Chen (UK/TW), Dr. Doreen Bernath (UK), Manuel Jiménez García (UK/ES), Christina Dahadaleh (UK/JO).

The symposium is hosted in two repurposed spaces in the center of The Hague. The first day (29 Nov: I) at Quartair, and the other two evenings (30 Nov: WE, 1 Dec: THEY) at the Commissarissenzaal of het Nutshuis.

Entrance is open and free for the public.